Being home has been fantastic. Probably the best at-home break I've had in a while. To be fair, I've been completely ignoring my responsibilities (cleaning, packing, etc.) and spending a lot of time sleeping, hanging out with people (Andy, Joe, Robin, Deb) and eating. I also spent a few days in Minneapolis with high school friends Joe, Dan, Jess & Betsy. I highly recommend all of their blogs if you're at all interested in gender warfare, libation creation and general intelligent discussion. I love these people and am proud to still be close with them even though we don't see each other very often.
The school year is rapidly approaching and while I'm not in full-panic mode, I'm starting to get a little anxious. This past school year was...a challenge, to say the least. Calling it "hell" may be a bit hyperbolic, but it was no picnic, let me tell you. I want this year to be better. I need this year to be better. Right now I'm practicing deep breathing and telling myself that I have the power to make that change. I DO have the power to make that change.
I came across this picture last year and it helped me more than I really care to admit. I hope it helps you too:

Kisses and contraception,
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